We understand that a blanket approach to property management is not effective, which is why we have personalized services at each of our properties, as well as with each individual tenant. Being a small, independently owned company, we are not limited by the same corporate restraints you may find with other property management companies. This allows us the flexibility to fully personalize each tenant’s experience with the community. Our philosophy lies in building personal relationships - no run-arounds or bureaucratic excuses. Our team cares about every member of the Overlook Flats community, and we have the resources, experience, and willingness to cater to each member’s needs. We consider you our neighbors, not just tenants.

As construction developers, we build for long-term holding, not for a quick sale with high margins. Unlike other developers who build and sell, we put a substantial amount of care into the project at every stage of development, as we will own and operate the property for decades to come. This ensures that tenants’ experiences with the building are just as pleasant 10 or 20 years from now as they are today.